Art deco quilt update


I have made considerable progress with this quilt, this photo shows the “blocks”.

quilt top blocks

The next photo shows the top finished but with out the borders.


art deco top no borders


I decided to use the paler yellow for the borders with the darker yellow set into an L shape in each corner.  The next photo shows  the corner blocks for the borders.  The 9 patch block is not quite the right size, it was about a 1/4 of an inch out so I had to remake the block.


yellow border blocks



I have put the borders on the quilt, ( I took the photo inside with a flash, not the best way to photograph a quilt).

art deco top with borders on


The next decision is about the style of quilting.

For some time I have been admiring the work of Judi Madsen of Green Fairy  quilts.  I have no illusion that I will achieve the depth and complexity of Judi’s quilting but I think this quilt lends itself to geometric patterns and gives me a good opportunity to move out of my quilting comfort zone.

The finished size is 55 by 40 inches.

This has been a very enjoyable and rewarding project to work on and one that has taught me quite a bit about using the QE7 programme.  For example, I will take more care when drawing the pattern and think ahead about how to the pattern will need to be sewn.To see other works in progress please stop by Freshly Pieced WIP

Please stop by Anything goes Monday linky party at the Quilt Yarn to see what other people are doing.